People who want to get outdoors might not have the means, the time, the storage, or the gear knowledge to do so. People living in urban areas, a lot of the time in smaller living quarters, don’t necessarily have the money or the time to go buy all the gear. They don’t know what to get or where to start and in turn they don’t get outside as much as they want.
The Camp Kit alleviates the hassle and burden of camping and backpacking logistics and enables people to spend more time in the great outdoors. It simplifies the process of getting outdoors. You don’t need to figure out what you need, shell out a pretty penny, go get the gear & store the gear. Just rent it, it’s delivered to you, and get outside.
The best part is I was able to build a brand & a community from the ground up.
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Creating a website that got the customer outside quicker was the highest priority. Inspiring exploration while helping facilitate adventure was a close second.