Tom, the founder of URSACK, came to me wanting to completely refresh his website. The website was inundated with facts and instructions making it clunky and extremely hard for potential customers to navigate and consume. He was not converting custumers on his website anymore. Plus, the brand hadn’t changed since he launched his first product.
All Photography
Content Creation
Desktop & Mobile Web Design
A complete brand refresh. I started by going out to Ansel Adams Wilderness with the entire URSACK product line to create new product shots and collateral imagery.
Using the photography to inspire new branding & design plus the insight from his old site analytics, I overhauled the entire website. Then, with the help of some user testing, I reorganized and modified the content, plus added more visuals to make the website more interactive & intuitive for customers.
URSACK bounce rate was cut in half
Conversion rate tripled in the 1st month
Drastically fewer annoying calls from people asking for answers, which were available on the website
Photography was featured on several retail websites, including REI